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The Climate Emergency Response Plan Engagement is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took part.

The engagement findings report will be available here later this year.

Your views are really important and what you have told us will be used to help shape the draft Climate Emergency Response Plan 2025-2030 for the borough, which will then be shared for public consultation later this year.

Transport is a core part of all our lives, it influences our access to work, education, leisure activities and essential services. It shapes the places we live, impacts our health and wellbeing and is vital to our local economy. Most forms of powered transport also contribute to carbon emissions, with transport being the second highest emitting sector, after industry, in west Cheshire.

We want to have a conversation with our residents about what a fair, accessible and lower-carbon transport system would mean for them. This would help create easier, healthier ways of getting around the borough by 2045.

Have your say

Tell us what you think the Climate Emergency Response Plan could do to help meet the challenges and embrace the opportunities of providing a transport system that is lower carbon and meets the needs of communities in the future.

You can share your views either by completing the survey below or sharing your thoughts on our ideas board.

This engagement exercise is open until Sunday, 1 September 2024.

The Climate Emergency Response Plan Engagement is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took part.

The engagement findings report will be available here later this year.

Your views are really important and what you have told us will be used to help shape the draft Climate Emergency Response Plan 2025-2030 for the borough, which will then be shared for public consultation later this year.

Transport is a core part of all our lives, it influences our access to work, education, leisure activities and essential services. It shapes the places we live, impacts our health and wellbeing and is vital to our local economy. Most forms of powered transport also contribute to carbon emissions, with transport being the second highest emitting sector, after industry, in west Cheshire.

We want to have a conversation with our residents about what a fair, accessible and lower-carbon transport system would mean for them. This would help create easier, healthier ways of getting around the borough by 2045.

Have your say

Tell us what you think the Climate Emergency Response Plan could do to help meet the challenges and embrace the opportunities of providing a transport system that is lower carbon and meets the needs of communities in the future.

You can share your views either by completing the survey below or sharing your thoughts on our ideas board.

This engagement exercise is open until Sunday, 1 September 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has now closed.

    About this survey

    We would like to hear your views on our proposed priorities for tackling Climate Change in west Cheshire. 

    The Council is renewing its Climate Emergency Response Plan and we would like to understand if the themes we have set out are the right ones and if you think there is anything else that should be included in the new Plan.

    If you would like to review our current Climate Emergency Response Plan to see what actions were suggested around energy to help the borough reach carbon neutrality, please visit the Climate Emergency Response Plan website

    Your feedback is important and will be analysed and used to help shape a new draft Climate Emergency Response Plan, which will then be shared for public consultation later this year.

    This survey takes approximately five to ten minutes to complete.

    The closing date for responses is Sunday, 1 September 2024.

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