Housing Strategy Consultation - vision

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The Vision for Housing in Cheshire West

The Housing Strategy is a high-level document which forms one of the cornerstones for delivering the Borough Plan. The Borough Plan sets out an ambition to develop pride in neighbourhoods through delivering additional affordable housing and high level of satisfaction in council and other social homes. The Housing Strategy sets out the priorities we will focus on over the next ten years as we work to improve the housing landscape across our borough. As a council we want to build strong communities with the right mix of homes, green spaces and neighbourhoods that are thriving, vibrant places to live.

The Housing Strategy is about creating the right home in the right place by ensuring there is a range of good quality, affordable housing and support that meets the needs of residents in Cheshire West and Chester.

It is important that there is a range of housing options available, and residents can find a good quality and affordable home enabling them to live well alongside work, education and leisure opportunities.

The strategy recognises that our residents have different housing needs, and this may change throughout their life. While most households can manage their housing independently, others may need adapted homes or specialist supported housing.

As a council we acknowledge that there are challenging times ahead, there is a national housing crisis, housing is less affordable, and many people have support needs making it even more difficult to access and sustain accommodation. Rough sleeping and homelessness being the most visible result of the housing issues some residents face. It is critical that we make best use of resources to deliver the actions detailed in this strategy in the current challenging financial climate for both the council and partners. Underpinning the strategy is the importance of partnership work and ensuring there is a clear evidence base on which to inform decision making, without this we will not be able to tackle the big challenges that lie ahead.

What success will look like

  • Reduced rates of homelessness
  • Increased number of homelessness preventions
  • End rough sleeping
  • Reduced use of unsuitable hotels as temporary accommodation
  • Increase in affordable homes
  • More empty homes brought back into use
  • High levels of tenant satisfaction with council-owned and social housing
  • More people living a healthier, happier life at home for longer

The Vision for Housing in Cheshire West

The Housing Strategy is a high-level document which forms one of the cornerstones for delivering the Borough Plan. The Borough Plan sets out an ambition to develop pride in neighbourhoods through delivering additional affordable housing and high level of satisfaction in council and other social homes. The Housing Strategy sets out the priorities we will focus on over the next ten years as we work to improve the housing landscape across our borough. As a council we want to build strong communities with the right mix of homes, green spaces and neighbourhoods that are thriving, vibrant places to live.

The Housing Strategy is about creating the right home in the right place by ensuring there is a range of good quality, affordable housing and support that meets the needs of residents in Cheshire West and Chester.

It is important that there is a range of housing options available, and residents can find a good quality and affordable home enabling them to live well alongside work, education and leisure opportunities.

The strategy recognises that our residents have different housing needs, and this may change throughout their life. While most households can manage their housing independently, others may need adapted homes or specialist supported housing.

As a council we acknowledge that there are challenging times ahead, there is a national housing crisis, housing is less affordable, and many people have support needs making it even more difficult to access and sustain accommodation. Rough sleeping and homelessness being the most visible result of the housing issues some residents face. It is critical that we make best use of resources to deliver the actions detailed in this strategy in the current challenging financial climate for both the council and partners. Underpinning the strategy is the importance of partnership work and ensuring there is a clear evidence base on which to inform decision making, without this we will not be able to tackle the big challenges that lie ahead.

What success will look like

  • Reduced rates of homelessness
  • Increased number of homelessness preventions
  • End rough sleeping
  • Reduced use of unsuitable hotels as temporary accommodation
  • Increase in affordable homes
  • More empty homes brought back into use
  • High levels of tenant satisfaction with council-owned and social housing
  • More people living a healthier, happier life at home for longer