Benefits calculator

Are you missing out on benefits that you are entitled to? Try out the Council’s benefits calculator which can tell you if you’re potentially entitled to claim extra money. There are more than 80 different welfare benefits available to support people in different circumstances and situations.

Before using the calculator, you’ll need accurate information about your:

  • savings
  • income, including your partner’s (from payslips, for example)
  • existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you)
  • outgoings (such as rent, mortgage, childcare payments)
  • Council Tax bill.

By answering a few simple questions, you will quickly find out if you’re eligible for any benefits. Your answers are provided anonymously.

The calculator also provides useful information in relation to your answers e.g. if you say you’re struggling to pay your energy bills, you will be asked who your supplier is. The calculator will then provide you with information relevant to that supplier so that you’re able to consider social tariffs that are available. Social tariffs are designed to help low-income households pay for their energy bills.

Benefits calculator

Categories: Financial advice and support
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