Employment Directions

Employment Directions is a service that provides all-round employment support to adults with a physical or mental health condition. Helping people to find, stay in, or return to work.
What support does Employment Directions offer?
Employment Directions gives people individualised support for up to 12 months to get a good-quality job and thrive in work. The majority of participants have found the service boosted their confidence, their job search capability, and their motivation.
Employment Directions provides:
- Regular face-to-face, online or phone appointments with an employment specialist to help individuals find work, continue working, or manage a health condition at work.
- Help with job applications, CVs, and interview skills.
- Help with talking to an employer about health needs at work, and support in work if needed.
- Support with better off in work calculations. This includes guidance with finding support for housing and debt advice and much more.
For more information, visit: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/employmentdirections
To get support from Employment Directions, individuals should speak to their GP or self-refer by emailing: IPS@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
What customers say about Employment Directions
‘My employment specialist helped me to build my confidence and return to work after long term sickness.’
‘After struggling to stay in my job due to my health condition, my employment specialist has found me a new job with an employer that is really supportive.’
‘My medication has really affected my work over the last 6 months, with help from my employment specialist and support from my employer, I now have reasonable adjustments in place and flexibility around my working day to help me manage my condition.’
Employment Directions is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and delivered by Cheshire West and Chester Council with local NHS partners.

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