Final reminder for tax credits customers to renew their claim

If you have received a renewal pack and still need to confirm your circumstances for the current tax year, it’s important that you do this by the annual deadline which is Monday 31 July, or you may be at risk of having your payments stopped.

Circumstances that could affect tax credits include changes to living arrangements, childcare, working hours or a change in income.

Two types of renewal packs were issued, as detailed below:
• ‘reply now’ packs had a red line across the first page and the words ‘reply now’. Customers must confirm their circumstances to renew their tax credits

• ‘check now’ packs had a black line across the first page and the words ‘check now.’ Customers whose details are correct do not need to do anything and their tax credits will be automatically renewed.

The quickest and easiest way for you to renew your tax credits is via the GOV.UK website or via the HMRC app which you can download to your mobile device from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Manage your tax credits via GOV.UK

You can also renew tax credits by phone or post.
Telephone: 0345 300 3900
Post: Send tax credit renewal forms to the address below. You do not need to include a street name or PO box.

Tax Credit Office
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom

More information on how to renew tax credits

Categories: Financial support
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