Here to help with your water bills

It’s a difficult time for many households due to the cost of living crisis so the message from water company United Utilities is to give them a call if you’re struggling with your water bill so they can help.
They have lots of ways to make your water bill more affordable, call their bill support team on 0800 072 6765 or complete their online form using the link below and they will call you back.
Some of the ways United Utilities can support you with your water bill payments include:
- Help to Pay: if you’re on Pension Credit and receive the Warm Home energy discount then it’s likely you are eligible for a lower water bill too.
- Back on Track: if you’re either receiving benefits or on a low income and finding it difficult to pay your water bill following a change in financial circumstances, this scheme can reduce the amount you have to pay.
- Cheaper with a Meter: the majority of customers who switch to a meter save at least £150 a year. You can trial a meter for two years and during that time the company guarantees that you won’t pay more. Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis says a meter could save you money if there are more bedrooms in your home than people, or even the same number. Read more here
- Payment matching: if you’ve built up a lot of debt, the company has a scheme which will match your payments pound-for-pound to help you clear the money that you owe.
- WaterSure: if you have a water meter, receive benefits, and use a lot of water due to ill health or having a large family, they can cap your annual bill regardless of how much water you need to use.
- Trust Fund: if you’re in real financial difficulty, you may qualify for a one-off payment from the United Utilities Trust Fund to help clear your debts.
Full details about United Utilities’ support schemes can be found at or call their team on 0800 072 6765.
Support when you need it most
We can all benefit from a bit of extra help at some stage in our lives. This could be due to age, ill health, disability, mobility needs, mental health problems, financial worries, or language barriers. Registering for Priority Services with United Utilities is FREE and means you’ll benefit from additional services to support your needs including:
- A dedicated team on hand to listen and help.
- You can nominate a carer, family member or friend to talk to United Utilities on your behalf.
- Have your water bills in Braille, large print and ‘talking’ bills and text relay service.
- Add a password to your water account so you can always be sure the caller from United Utilities is genuine.
- Translation services.
- Notice of interruptions to your water supply.
- Additional support if you have a medical need for water.
So, if you or someone you know would benefit from extra support with their water services, please register online using the link below or give United Utilities a call on 0345 672 2888.

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