Hoole CE Primary School’s Uniform Union and Story Shack

We set up the Uniform Union and Story Shack in September 2023 to make sure that all our pupils had the same access to uniform, and the opportunity to loan educational games and books to enjoy at home with their family.

To begin with we purchased a cabin online, which was installed during the summer break by our site manager. This was the only financial outlay by the school as all items of clothing, books and games are donated. Plus, the Uniform Union and Story Shack are run by a dedicated team of parent volunteers.

As well as providing access to good-quality, pre-loved uniform for our families, the Story Shack also encourages our children to read more and develop a love for reading. By recycling these items, we want our pupils to understand the environmental impact and that it’s better to reuse and repurpose something than throw it way, where it becomes landfill.

Uniform Union
When we started out, we already had a stock of pre-loved uniform which had been donated to the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) as well as many items of unnamed lost property. We also asked parents and carers of pupils leaving in Year Six to donate their children’s uniform when they left to ensure that we had stock in all sizes, and to ensure that this was put to good use and not wasted once children had moved on.

It is important to us that the uniform is displayed smartly. Pre-loved uniform is laundered and then hung in size order on quality hangers. The Uniform Union is well ordered and so user-friendly.

Families using the Union may leave a donation if they wish to, but this is not mandatory. Families may help themselves to any items of pre-loved uniform or PE kit.

The Union is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am – 4.30pm and is well used by a huge cross-section of our school community.

Story Shack
The Story Shack contains lots of fiction and non-fiction books, as well as educational games and jigsaws. Families who loan items do not need to book them out or seek permission to take them. All that we ask is that items are returned to school with all the pieces included and in good condition, so that the item may be loaned by another family in the future.

Families are encouraged to donate pre-loved games and books, which means that our Story Shack stock is continually refreshed. Books from the school library that are no longer suitable for the library but could still be of interest to children and their families are donated to the Story Shack.

The Story Shack is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am - 3.30pm and all families are welcome, including those who access the nursery based on our school site.

All resources available are suitable for children 3-11 years.

Parent and carer comments

“My child really enjoys having a new game or book to borrow. It also helps him to understand that it is good to donate stuff too for other people to enjoy. The Uniform Union is fantastic for saving money and waste.”

“Uniform Union – Absolutely amazing idea. Saving a lot of money on uniforms and most importantly, recycling.”

“Oh we absolutely love the Story Shack! We are there a minimum of two or three times a week!”

Following the success of the Uniform Union and Story Shack, we have opened a third facility called the Community Cabin. This is a general clothing and footwear store which contains pre-loved, clean everyday clothing for children and adults. This is in its infancy at present, but we hope that it will be well used by our school community. We also plan to add a section in the Cabin containing tinned foods which families can help themselves to. Stock for the clothing and tinned food areas of the Community Cabin are sourced from donations from our school family.

Headteacher Ros Flanders, said: “Establishing the Story Shack and the Uniform Union has been a great investment. We have seen the positive impact and effect that these facilities have had on our school community, who are committed to donating items and using the services so that they will remain sustainable into the future.”

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