Period Dignity

At Motherwell Cheshire, we’ve always believed that no girl or woman should have to worry about their period or not be able to afford the essential items they need. So, we have recently launched our Period Dignity campaign.

Since the campaign began in 2023, we’ve received a constant stream of requests for items, from sports clubs or local groups wanting supplies.

We provide several different supply options - we have period bags, these in the main go to local sports clubs. The bags include period items, hygiene wipes, hair bobbles, a hairbrush, deodorant etc. We can also provide our grab bags tray, these are bags of either tampons, pads or mixed. And finally, we can provide a desk tray, these are a tray of sanitary items, similar to a period bag but these fit in a work’s drawer and contain toothpaste, a toothbrush, lip balm etc.

Anyone and everyone can access our period dignity supplies. All they need to do is contact Motherwell Cheshire by either calling the office or emailing the hub with their request.

Telephone: 01606 557666, Text: 07496 160930

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