Playing Pitch Strategy Consultation

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The Playing Pitch Strategy Consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who took part. The findings from the consultation can be found here and the new Playing Pitch Strategy can be found here.

Findings were considered by the Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group, Officers and the Director for Economy & Housing on 12 December 2023. A summary of the consultations results have been included in the appendices of the new Strategy and will be incorporated in any subsequent annual reviews by the PPS Steering Group to help shape and form revisions.

The Council will liaise with Sport England and Sport National Governing Bodies to discuss sport specific issues, opportunities and actions later in 2024. Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group meetings will be held annually to consider whether the strategy requires review.

We would like to hear your views on the draft Playing Pitch Strategy, which sets out our plans to ensure outdoor playing pitches meet the needs of existing and future residents of west Cheshire.

As demand for outdoor playing pitches changes, it is important we keep our strategy up to date with the needs of residents. The Playing Pitch Strategy was created in 2015 and previously reviewed in 2018, this latest review will ensure the information in it is kept up to date.

If you have an interest in playing pitches, or you live near one we would like to hear what you think.

The strategy covers the following sports pitches.

  • Football pitches, including third generation artificial pitches
  • Third Generation Artificial turf pitches (3G/AGPs)
  • Cricket pitches
  • Rugby Union pitches
  • Rugby League pitches
  • Hockey AGPs (sand or water based Artificial pitches)
  • Other grass pitch sports

The Strategy will be used to:

  • Protect, provide and manage sports facilities and outdoor sports areas across the borough
  • Help inform planning and land-use decisions affecting playing fields and outdoor sports areas
  • Support external funding bids and maximise support for outdoor sports facilities
  • Monitor and review the use, quality and accessibility of outdoor sport.

How to find out more

You can read the full draft Playing Pitch Strategy here, read an executive summary here, and the assessment report which informed the strategy here.

How to get involved

To get involved, please fill in a survey.

The closing date for responses is 12 March 2023.

How your feedback will be used

All of your feedback will be analysed and considered by the Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group to help inform and shape the new Strategy.

The findings of the consultation are currently being finalised and will be published on the consultation page in Autumn 2023. We will share the final strategy shortly after.

The Playing Pitch Strategy Consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who took part. The findings from the consultation can be found here and the new Playing Pitch Strategy can be found here.

Findings were considered by the Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group, Officers and the Director for Economy & Housing on 12 December 2023. A summary of the consultations results have been included in the appendices of the new Strategy and will be incorporated in any subsequent annual reviews by the PPS Steering Group to help shape and form revisions.

The Council will liaise with Sport England and Sport National Governing Bodies to discuss sport specific issues, opportunities and actions later in 2024. Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group meetings will be held annually to consider whether the strategy requires review.

We would like to hear your views on the draft Playing Pitch Strategy, which sets out our plans to ensure outdoor playing pitches meet the needs of existing and future residents of west Cheshire.

As demand for outdoor playing pitches changes, it is important we keep our strategy up to date with the needs of residents. The Playing Pitch Strategy was created in 2015 and previously reviewed in 2018, this latest review will ensure the information in it is kept up to date.

If you have an interest in playing pitches, or you live near one we would like to hear what you think.

The strategy covers the following sports pitches.

  • Football pitches, including third generation artificial pitches
  • Third Generation Artificial turf pitches (3G/AGPs)
  • Cricket pitches
  • Rugby Union pitches
  • Rugby League pitches
  • Hockey AGPs (sand or water based Artificial pitches)
  • Other grass pitch sports

The Strategy will be used to:

  • Protect, provide and manage sports facilities and outdoor sports areas across the borough
  • Help inform planning and land-use decisions affecting playing fields and outdoor sports areas
  • Support external funding bids and maximise support for outdoor sports facilities
  • Monitor and review the use, quality and accessibility of outdoor sport.

How to find out more

You can read the full draft Playing Pitch Strategy here, read an executive summary here, and the assessment report which informed the strategy here.

How to get involved

To get involved, please fill in a survey.

The closing date for responses is 12 March 2023.

How your feedback will be used

All of your feedback will be analysed and considered by the Playing Pitch Strategy Steering Group to help inform and shape the new Strategy.

The findings of the consultation are currently being finalised and will be published on the consultation page in Autumn 2023. We will share the final strategy shortly after.