Prioritising our resources

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After all the above has been considered, given the scale of the budget challenge, there is still a need to explore whether we reduce the level of some services and to focus on our priorities. It also may involve introducing new charges for activities that were previously funded by the Council. These changes would always be considered carefully to understand the impact on residents and the organisation. New proposals that relate to this theme will save £0.5 million over the next two years and include the following.


(6.1) Review of winter highways maintenance: By focusing on the highest risk routes and making the routing of gritting more efficient, it would be possible to reduce the budget next year. This would be a saving £250,000 over the next two years, while maintaining a safe network for all users.

(6.2) A review of residents' parking schemes: We are seeking to review residents’ parking schemes so there is a consistent approach across the borough. This measure will increase income by £65,000 over the next two years to meet our costs.

(6.3) Reviewing our extra care housing offer: We commission extra care housing which provides a supported environment in which people can live and helps maintain their independence. We are ensuring the offer is consistent across all our facilities and in line with the needs of residents. This could save £62,000 next year.

(6.4) Review of structures for internal support services: We constantly review our structure for internal support services to reflect the needs of the organisation. Overall, by refocusing our support offer and reducing a number of support posts, we could save £418,000 over the next two years, allowing £328,000 to be reinvested to meet priority demands.

Further ideas for the future:

To meet future challenges the following are being considered, but work is at an early stage.

(6.5) Reviewing service standards: Even with the delivery of the proposals outlined in this document, the Council may have to review the standards of service provided in community, environment and economy services to determine if there are further savings that can help with financial pressures over the next few years.

(6.6) Continuing to review leisure services: As part of the Council’s significant investment and ongoing transformation of the leisure, health and wellbeing services provided by Brio Leisure, we need to ensure these services remain affordable, accessible, and sustainable to meet the needs of our residents. This review will continue and respond to the latest changes in the leisure market and wider economy.

(6.7) Reviewing discretionary services: We provide a number of Council-wide support services that we have no legal obligation to provide, but that help the Council deliver its current priorities. We will consider whether there is scope for reducing our discretionary services as Council priorities evolve.

(6.8) Reviewing levels of Council-wide support: We will review whether we can reduce the levels of support we provide to the organisation for functions such as HR, finance, legal, ICT and transformation. This will be done to ensure we don’t compromise on the Council being well managed, but may require the organisation to further consolidate its priorities and focus for the future.

After all the above has been considered, given the scale of the budget challenge, there is still a need to explore whether we reduce the level of some services and to focus on our priorities. It also may involve introducing new charges for activities that were previously funded by the Council. These changes would always be considered carefully to understand the impact on residents and the organisation. New proposals that relate to this theme will save £0.5 million over the next two years and include the following.


(6.1) Review of winter highways maintenance: By focusing on the highest risk routes and making the routing of gritting more efficient, it would be possible to reduce the budget next year. This would be a saving £250,000 over the next two years, while maintaining a safe network for all users.

(6.2) A review of residents' parking schemes: We are seeking to review residents’ parking schemes so there is a consistent approach across the borough. This measure will increase income by £65,000 over the next two years to meet our costs.

(6.3) Reviewing our extra care housing offer: We commission extra care housing which provides a supported environment in which people can live and helps maintain their independence. We are ensuring the offer is consistent across all our facilities and in line with the needs of residents. This could save £62,000 next year.

(6.4) Review of structures for internal support services: We constantly review our structure for internal support services to reflect the needs of the organisation. Overall, by refocusing our support offer and reducing a number of support posts, we could save £418,000 over the next two years, allowing £328,000 to be reinvested to meet priority demands.

Further ideas for the future:

To meet future challenges the following are being considered, but work is at an early stage.

(6.5) Reviewing service standards: Even with the delivery of the proposals outlined in this document, the Council may have to review the standards of service provided in community, environment and economy services to determine if there are further savings that can help with financial pressures over the next few years.

(6.6) Continuing to review leisure services: As part of the Council’s significant investment and ongoing transformation of the leisure, health and wellbeing services provided by Brio Leisure, we need to ensure these services remain affordable, accessible, and sustainable to meet the needs of our residents. This review will continue and respond to the latest changes in the leisure market and wider economy.

(6.7) Reviewing discretionary services: We provide a number of Council-wide support services that we have no legal obligation to provide, but that help the Council deliver its current priorities. We will consider whether there is scope for reducing our discretionary services as Council priorities evolve.

(6.8) Reviewing levels of Council-wide support: We will review whether we can reduce the levels of support we provide to the organisation for functions such as HR, finance, legal, ICT and transformation. This will be done to ensure we don’t compromise on the Council being well managed, but may require the organisation to further consolidate its priorities and focus for the future.