Property Asset Strategy - Background information

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What is this consultation about?

This consultation focuses on the key principles of the Council’s approach to managing its land and buildings (the Council’s property portfolio) in the future and across all areas so that we have a holistic and coherent property strategy for all council assets.

Our portfolio includes:

  • The Operational Estate, which covers:
    • operational assets - these enable the council to deliver services to residents, such offices and waste and highways depots
    • non-operational assets - assets that aren’t used to deliver services but provide benefits to the borough as whole, for example public open space.
  • The Community Estate – assets which are used or occupied by members of the public, community groups or organisations and deliver a service direct to the public. It includes things like community centres, play areas libraries, public conveniences and public land and greenspaces.
  • The Commercial Estate – properties owned by the Council for commercial investment purposes that generate revenue to fund core council services through rental income and business rates.

The focus of our consultation is the operational and community estate. Our commercial estate will continue to be managed under existing policy, the commercial estate does not therefore form part of the formal consultation.

Current and future challenges

Climate change is a huge challenge, not just for the Council but for humanity. With our pledge for the Council to be carbon neutral by 2030, our premises and estate is a large contributor to our carbon footprint and it will be an important consideration in reaching our targets.

By using our assets better, we will be able to reduce the number of energy inefficient buildings the Council has, and those not necessarily fit for purpose.

Many of our buildings are beyond their economic life, and this needs to be addressed. The aim is to create an estate of a standard that reflects needs and meets the requirements of our residents.

Investment and future aspirations

Our investment in new employment generating opportunities will help us deliver on plans for a vibrant and inclusive economy whilst delivering revenue to help us continue to be an efficient, financially stable, well-run council.

We need to move away from simply occupying what we have, to developing an asset base that reflects service need.

What is this consultation about?

This consultation focuses on the key principles of the Council’s approach to managing its land and buildings (the Council’s property portfolio) in the future and across all areas so that we have a holistic and coherent property strategy for all council assets.

Our portfolio includes:

  • The Operational Estate, which covers:
    • operational assets - these enable the council to deliver services to residents, such offices and waste and highways depots
    • non-operational assets - assets that aren’t used to deliver services but provide benefits to the borough as whole, for example public open space.
  • The Community Estate – assets which are used or occupied by members of the public, community groups or organisations and deliver a service direct to the public. It includes things like community centres, play areas libraries, public conveniences and public land and greenspaces.
  • The Commercial Estate – properties owned by the Council for commercial investment purposes that generate revenue to fund core council services through rental income and business rates.

The focus of our consultation is the operational and community estate. Our commercial estate will continue to be managed under existing policy, the commercial estate does not therefore form part of the formal consultation.

Current and future challenges

Climate change is a huge challenge, not just for the Council but for humanity. With our pledge for the Council to be carbon neutral by 2030, our premises and estate is a large contributor to our carbon footprint and it will be an important consideration in reaching our targets.

By using our assets better, we will be able to reduce the number of energy inefficient buildings the Council has, and those not necessarily fit for purpose.

Many of our buildings are beyond their economic life, and this needs to be addressed. The aim is to create an estate of a standard that reflects needs and meets the requirements of our residents.

Investment and future aspirations

Our investment in new employment generating opportunities will help us deliver on plans for a vibrant and inclusive economy whilst delivering revenue to help us continue to be an efficient, financially stable, well-run council.

We need to move away from simply occupying what we have, to developing an asset base that reflects service need.