Property Asset Strategy - Glossary of terms

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Below is an explanation of terms used to describe the Council's property assets.

Asset - Land or building.

Carbon footprint - A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas, or carbon dioxide emissions created by an individual or organisation.

Carbon neutral - When the amount of carbon dioxide a person or organisation emits into the atmosphere is equal to the amount they remove.

Commercial Estate - Properties owned by the Council for commercial investment purposes that generate revenue to fund core council services through rental income and business rates.

Community assets - Assets which are used or occupied by members of the public, community groups or organisations and deliver a service directly to the public. Examples include community centres and play areas.

Property portfolio/estate - A collections of properties and assets, including buildings and land, that are owned by the Council.

Operational portfolio/estate - The Council's operational portfolio includes assets that are held and occupied for the direct and indirect delivery of services to meet either a statutory or discretionary requirements.

Surplus assets - An asset that is no longer required for the delivery of council services.

Below is an explanation of terms used to describe the Council's property assets.

Asset - Land or building.

Carbon footprint - A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas, or carbon dioxide emissions created by an individual or organisation.

Carbon neutral - When the amount of carbon dioxide a person or organisation emits into the atmosphere is equal to the amount they remove.

Commercial Estate - Properties owned by the Council for commercial investment purposes that generate revenue to fund core council services through rental income and business rates.

Community assets - Assets which are used or occupied by members of the public, community groups or organisations and deliver a service directly to the public. Examples include community centres and play areas.

Property portfolio/estate - A collections of properties and assets, including buildings and land, that are owned by the Council.

Operational portfolio/estate - The Council's operational portfolio includes assets that are held and occupied for the direct and indirect delivery of services to meet either a statutory or discretionary requirements.

Surplus assets - An asset that is no longer required for the delivery of council services.