Plastic Free July 2022

29 June 2022

Plastic Free July is a global movement that empowers people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution.

In 2021, an estimated 140 million people worldwide participated in Plastic Free July from 190 countries. By taking part and making small changes, collectively we can all make a massive difference in our communities.

You can choose to refuse single-use plastics in July and beyond. Here are some simple ways to make a change.

1. Bring your own re-useable bag –
Keep a handy re-useable bag with you when you head to the shops, so you don’t need to purchase a plastic bag. You can also invest in a few re-usable fresh produce bags to put your loose fruit and vegetables in, or simply buy them loose rather than putting them in a small plastic bag that will be thrown away once you’re home.

2. Use re-usable bottles or mugs – There are so many varieties of re-usable bottles and mugs to suit every situation, need and budget. Remember to take yours with you when you’re out and about, so you don’t have to accept a disposable coffee cup or buy bottled drinks.

3. Ditch the cling film – This is another single-use product that ends up in landfill and in our oceans and wider environment, causing harm to nature. The good news is that there are lots of alternatives, such as re-usable containers with lids, lunchboxes, bees wax or plant-based wraps, cotton sandwich wraps, or silicon bowl covers that you can use time and time again.

4. Reduce the single-use plastic packaging you’re buying – If you’re going on holiday, go plastic free and pack soap, shampoo, conditioner and deodorant bars instead of the plastic miniatures. They last longer, so better value for money, and don’t count as a liquid, so there’s no limit for people travelling with carry-on luggage.

5. Re-use glass jars – Glass jars can be a great way of storing loose products such as rice, pasta, lentils, or dried fruit (or anything that fits in the container).

6. Research products you use regularly – Sometimes, single-use plastics lurk in unexpected places, such as in tea bags, wet wipes, cosmetics and feminine hygiene products. If you find they do contain plastic, aim to switch some of these items for plastic free alternatives.

7. Plastic free ice cream – This summer, opt for a cone rather than a plastic tub and spoon, so there’s no plastic waste to throw away. Many ice cream shops also sell gluten free cones if you ask, which means more people can take the plastic free option.

8. Visit a refill shop or buy in bulk – There are several refill shops across the borough (Just Footprints in Chester and Frodsham, and Weigh of the World in Northwich), where you can choose just the right amount of food, cosmetics or cleaning products as you need, and bring your own containers to take them home in. Another option is to try buying in bulk to cut down on the packaging you throw away.

9. Make your own snacks and condiments – By making your own snacks, such as biscuits, cakes, breadsticks and flapjacks, you can avoid a lot of the single-use plastics these come wrapped in when purchased from shops. The Love Food Hate Waste website has some good recipes to choose from.

10. Buy milk in re-useable glass bottles if possible – Find out where your local dairy is, and switch to buying your milk in glass bottles. There is nothing quite like finding fresh milk on your doorstep in the morning.

Click here for resources and ideas to help you to reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and even in your local café. Share these tips to encourage your friends, family and work colleagues to take part in Plastic Free July.

More information

Become a plastic free Cheshire business

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