A new kind of simple practical plain English energy-efficiency website from Northwich

Visit www.getenergysavvy.info and for the background story read below.

I own a thermal imaging camera and have had formal training in how to use it. As a retirement passtime I offered myself and my camera out to Northwich residents in Jan 2022 to understand if I could help people save energy and understand how to make their homes warmer.

This resulted in 30 home surveys during February and March. As well as using thermal imaging the home visits looked at all sorts of energy efficiency opportunities in the homes I visited, such as misunderstandings on how to use heating controls, identification of solutions to draughts, and whether there were things that householders were unknowingly doing that was wasting energy.

There were some common BIG surprises, especially on the setup of heating systems and misunderstandings of heating controls. Most of the problems found could be addressed with spending little or no money. From what I learnt I would say most homes can save 20-30% in their heating costs quite easily with the right knowledge and information.

To share the knowledge and insights from these 30 and other visits I have done I've put together this free web site which only went live Sept 22nd. The content will grow significantly in the remainder of 2022.

There is a lot of energy efficiency information out there but this is quite different. All the information on the site is written in extremely straightforward and above all practical language. Existing web information is very generalised and formulaic.

The goal of THIS site is to enable people to understand energy better and give them the confidence and knowledge to take the right actions for their individual circumstances, and de-fear their use of energy.

The site can be found at www.getenergysavvy.info

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