Cheshire Cup Club Launches (at last)

This has been 4 years in the planning. It's involved talking to other schemes, looking for the right funding and cups! So it has taken is some time...
Then with rising prices since the project was costed for Spacehive, and problems with getting items from the EU we had to almost start again from scratch.
It was thanks to City to Sea who provided research they had completed that we were able to get back on track. We re-costed, decided on Circular & Co's cup. Then we had to design a logo that would engrave, thanks to Craig for your graphic design support.
If we had not already had enough hurdles already, we were also the first batch of cups to be engraved in the UK, which of course had some extra technical hitches.
Thanks to New Chester Market, Shit Chester and We Love Chester for helping with our launch on the 23rd May at New Chester Market.
Want to know where you can use the cup and how to become a member --- see link --- CLICK HERE