Sustainable Festival in Grosvenor Park Chester - this Saturday!

The Sustainable Cheshire Festival is on in Grosvenor Park, Chester on Saturday, 23rd September 10.30am - 8pm.

Anyone can attend the free event to find out more about the work going on in Cheshire through Sustainable Cheshire and Plastic Free Cheshire projects with themes around sustainability from food to fashion, counting our carbon footprint, pollution and all things green. There will be stalls, workshops, bar and food, music and activities for all the family. Following on from the success of last weekend’s activities there will also be a ‘silent disco litter pick’.

Volunteers who spruced up Chester’s Grosvenor Park using the power of dance last Sunday 10th September at Eco Communities’ first ever silent disco litter pick. The event was oversubscribed and will be repeated this Saturday at Grosvenor Park for the Sustainable Festival during Global Goals Week.

A special ‘People Planet Pint’ event will be held there at 6-8pm. hosted by That Beer Place team so visitors can meet others interested in sustainability in the community, share local stories and ideas, and accelerate local climate action.

The event is FREE to attend and is supported by Chester Zoo and Cheshire West and Cheshire Council among lots of other organisations. You don’t need a ticket but it helps if you book one. Numbers and feedback are important for the event to gain funding next year with as much attendee and stall data as possible.

BOOK HERE: and to get links to book for the Silent Disco Litter Pick.

You need a People Planet Pint ticket to get your ’first free’ print, which are limited. Book here

The event also coincides with the United Nation’s Global Goals Week September 15-24, 2023.

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