Community led care and carers consultation

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The community led care and carers consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who took part. Your feedback has helped to shape the future of community led care and carers services.

The consultation findings are available here.

Information and feedback from the consultation and further engagement with providers and key stakeholders has been used to further develop the Community Led Care and Cares service model which is due to be recommissioned in October 2024. The new model was considered and approved by Cabinet in November 2023, more information about this meeting can be found here.

Part of the service design has seen the development and implication of the Community Wellbeing Grants which launched in January 2024. This has seen 22 different community sector organisations receive a grant to support residents of Cheshire West and Chester with their physical health and wellbeing, home support and carer breaks. The Council has also created a Community Chest, worth £10,000 in total, for smaller community sector organisations to apply for grants from £100 to £1,000 through Cheshire Community Action (CCA).

The aim of the Community Chest is to provide smaller amounts of funding for community sector organisations and support residents to remain independent in their own homes, feel connected to their communities, maintain their physical health and wellbeing or support local carers.

For more about these smaller grants, please email:

Cheshire West and Chester Council wants carers and residents across the borough to feel valued and empowered, to have access to the right support at the right time and ensure that this support helps people to stay as independent and as well as possible, for as long as possible.

Currently, the Council provides a range of community led care services that we commission (or ‘buy in’) from a number of different organisations to support local residents. These services ensure residents can stay independent, healthy and thrive in their community and also reduces demand on more expensive, long-term types of care. This includes:

  • information and advice, support services and activities such as community good neighbour and befriending schemes,
  • services that are targeted at those at risk of developing, or those who have existing disabilities and long-term health conditions such as mental health issues and people with dementia and their carers,
  • rehabilitation and reablement services that support people when they leave hospital.

The Council also commissions services for carers of all ages across the borough. These services range from information and advice, carer breaks and specialist support, and includes services for young carers.

Both contracts are due to end in September 2023. This gives us an opportunity to consult on options for the future of these services to make sure they offer the best support possible.

We would like your views and feedback on:

  • our priorities for these services,
  • proposals for how they could be delivered in the future,
  • what currently works well and any gaps or additional areas of support we should consider.

Further details of the proposals and how they were developed can be found here.

How you can take part

  • Share your ideas on what currently works well and any gaps or additional areas of support we should consider here.
  • Fill in a survey - tell us what you think about our priorities for community led care and carers services, and proposals for how they could be delivered in the future here.
  • Speak to someone - share your views over the phone by booking a telephone interview here.

You can also tell us what you think via email, in writing or over the phone, or request a copy of our consultation document and questionnaire in alternative formats (including hard copy and easy read). Please see the ‘Other ways to share your views’ section for more information.

This consultation will be open until 19 June 2022.

Once this consultation has closed, we will collate and summarise all the responses and share them with the Council’s Cabinet in September 2022. Key findings from the consultation will be made available here in the Autumn.

The community led care and carers consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who took part. Your feedback has helped to shape the future of community led care and carers services.

The consultation findings are available here.

Information and feedback from the consultation and further engagement with providers and key stakeholders has been used to further develop the Community Led Care and Cares service model which is due to be recommissioned in October 2024. The new model was considered and approved by Cabinet in November 2023, more information about this meeting can be found here.

Part of the service design has seen the development and implication of the Community Wellbeing Grants which launched in January 2024. This has seen 22 different community sector organisations receive a grant to support residents of Cheshire West and Chester with their physical health and wellbeing, home support and carer breaks. The Council has also created a Community Chest, worth £10,000 in total, for smaller community sector organisations to apply for grants from £100 to £1,000 through Cheshire Community Action (CCA).

The aim of the Community Chest is to provide smaller amounts of funding for community sector organisations and support residents to remain independent in their own homes, feel connected to their communities, maintain their physical health and wellbeing or support local carers.

For more about these smaller grants, please email:

Cheshire West and Chester Council wants carers and residents across the borough to feel valued and empowered, to have access to the right support at the right time and ensure that this support helps people to stay as independent and as well as possible, for as long as possible.

Currently, the Council provides a range of community led care services that we commission (or ‘buy in’) from a number of different organisations to support local residents. These services ensure residents can stay independent, healthy and thrive in their community and also reduces demand on more expensive, long-term types of care. This includes:

  • information and advice, support services and activities such as community good neighbour and befriending schemes,
  • services that are targeted at those at risk of developing, or those who have existing disabilities and long-term health conditions such as mental health issues and people with dementia and their carers,
  • rehabilitation and reablement services that support people when they leave hospital.

The Council also commissions services for carers of all ages across the borough. These services range from information and advice, carer breaks and specialist support, and includes services for young carers.

Both contracts are due to end in September 2023. This gives us an opportunity to consult on options for the future of these services to make sure they offer the best support possible.

We would like your views and feedback on:

  • our priorities for these services,
  • proposals for how they could be delivered in the future,
  • what currently works well and any gaps or additional areas of support we should consider.

Further details of the proposals and how they were developed can be found here.

How you can take part

  • Share your ideas on what currently works well and any gaps or additional areas of support we should consider here.
  • Fill in a survey - tell us what you think about our priorities for community led care and carers services, and proposals for how they could be delivered in the future here.
  • Speak to someone - share your views over the phone by booking a telephone interview here.

You can also tell us what you think via email, in writing or over the phone, or request a copy of our consultation document and questionnaire in alternative formats (including hard copy and easy read). Please see the ‘Other ways to share your views’ section for more information.

This consultation will be open until 19 June 2022.

Once this consultation has closed, we will collate and summarise all the responses and share them with the Council’s Cabinet in September 2022. Key findings from the consultation will be made available here in the Autumn.

  • The community led care and carers consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part. Your feedback will be considered by Cheshire West and Chester Council, to help shape the future of community led care and carers services.

    Please complete this survey to share your views on how community led care and carers services are delivered in the future. 

    The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

    The closing date for responses is 19 June 2022.

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