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Inspire Cheshire West has closed. Thank you to everyone who took part. Your contributions, stories, ideas and experiences about life under lockdown restrictions were a valuable resource to the communities of west Cheshire.

Helping locally

I found, through the CWaC website, a community organisation that was willing to take me as a volunteer with the minimal of bureaucracy and allow me to get helping people here almost immediately. It has been beneficial (I hope!) for those I have been working with but it has definitely benefitted my wellbeing and made me feel worthwhile and useful, whilst also working from home.

I would recommend getting involved to anyone who has been temporarily laid off, is capable of doing so safely and wants to do feel as though they are doing some good for their community and society as a whole during this terrible time for our country.

Thanks again to the Council staff who co-ordinated these efforts and the volunteer organisations who show us daily that we are all threads of the same web.

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