Chester Football Club Community Trust
Chester Football Club Community Trust are playing their part to support the Covid-19 Community Response. With many of the club’s members having been advised to shield themselves from the virus and isolate at home, the Trust began calling people at home to check they were okay and to offer practical help such as delivering food and prescriptions.
With twenty volunteers contacting around 400 people in the first week, the heartening thing was how many people were already being provided for by neighbours, family and friends. Although there have been some people who have been more isolated, most were just grateful for the phone call and to know that someone was looking out for them
In normal times the Trust would be delivering community initiatives around football coaching, education, health and wellbeing and social inclusion. During the pandemic they’ve been working with their large and committed club following to support local communities and offer things like Chester FC home learning resources.
Jim Green, Chief Executive of the Trust said “All the support from across communities in west Cheshire has been brilliant to see and Cheshire West Voluntary Action have been brilliant at bringing the voluntary sector response together”