OPAL (Older People Active Lives)

OPAL Services together provide many and various social connections for no, or at a minimum, cost and are proving to be a big help to older people and carers in the current economic climate.

OPAL offers a whole range of support to older people and their carers living in rural parts of west Cheshire. Our services offer opportunities for people to socialise in settings that are local and accessible to them and are warm and inviting.

We also support older people and carers in accessing the internet safely and thus potentially obtaining the most advantageous deals when making purchases online. Our services are either donation based or charge a very reasonable amount for the service on offer. Such services are subsidised heavily by us in order to keep the cost down. We also have a policy which enables us to take full account of, and to respond positively to, anyone unable to pay a charge for a service.

For more information about OPAL’s services, or becoming a volunteer, please visit our web site www.opalservices.org.uk or email us at contactus@opalservices.org.uk.

OPAL is a registered charity no.1143753

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