Land Action Plan consultation
The Land Action Plan consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone that has submitted a response, your feedback has helped the Council finalise the Land Action Plan and will also help inform its delivery and annual review.
The consultation feedback, including details of the amends made to the plan, can be found here.
The findings of the consultation were discussed at Cabinet on 9 February 2022, information about the meeting is available to view on the Council’s website.
This survey is to share your views on the Land Action Plan, which sets out a vision and actions for using land in west Cheshire to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Whilst the Council can deliver some of the actions, we cannot do it all ourselves. We will need to work with a broad range of partners, from businesses and farmers, to communities and individuals.
We all have a part to play and we would like to hear the views of anyone with an interest on this topic, so that we can develop a plan that benefits both the environment and our communities.
What you tell us will be used to inform the further development of the Action Plan, and help to improve its delivery.