Climate Emergency

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The Climate Emergency facing our world is a very real issue, but there is plenty we can do to take action to help protect our planet.

Cheshire West and Chester Council declared a Climate Emergency in the borough in 2019 and put forward its Climate Emergency Response plan, which aims to help the borough become carbon neutral by 2045.

This is a space to share ideas, stories and tips about what you are doing locally to reduce your carbon emissions and impact on the environment. Now's the time to react and play your part to make our borough carbon neutral.

The Climate Emergency facing our world is a very real issue, but there is plenty we can do to take action to help protect our planet.

Cheshire West and Chester Council declared a Climate Emergency in the borough in 2019 and put forward its Climate Emergency Response plan, which aims to help the borough become carbon neutral by 2045.

This is a space to share ideas, stories and tips about what you are doing locally to reduce your carbon emissions and impact on the environment. Now's the time to react and play your part to make our borough carbon neutral.

  • Three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham

    Share Three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham on Facebook Share Three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham on Twitter Share Three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham on Linkedin Email Three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham link
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    Cheshire West and Chester Council and Castle Park Trust have arranged for three special trees to be planted in Castle Park, Frodsham this week.

    The three trees will be planted in the top field at the park in honour of our late Queen, His Majesty King Charles III and the late Marie Birkenhead.

    Marie was a former Councillor of Vale Royal Borough Council and an Honorary Alderman who championed Frodsham and its residents throughout her life.

    Leader of the Council, Councillor Louise Gittins said:

    "These lovely trees will be a fitting tribute to the importance and significance of our late Queen, His Majesty the King and Marie Birkenhead. 
    "The trees will also add to the distinctive array of trees at Castle Park, which has a remarkable 'tree trail' with numerous rare and beautiful species."

    The following tress will be planted - for Marie Birkenhead, a Cherry (Prunus avium plena), for our Late Queen, a small-leaved lime (tilia cordata greenspire) and for his Majesty King Charles, a Lobel Elm (ulmus lobel - the Lobel Elm is resistant to Dutch Elm disease).

    A formal dedication event will then take place in February.

  • Whitby Hydrogen Village engagement session

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    Tuesday, 28 February, 6pm – 8.30pm Ellesmere Port Civic Hall

    Please note: Registrations to attend the engagement session in person at Ellesmere Port Civic Hall are now closed as the venue is at full capacity. Residents can watch the session live on the evening via a webcast link. Please use the following link on the evening to access the online session:

    For those attending the event, doors open at 5.15pm with the event starting at 6pm. Please allow plenty of time to arrive and take your seat. Pre-registration figures show that the venue is expected to be full. Entrance will be managed on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Event details

    Cheshire West and Chester Council is holding a public engagement session about the Whitby Hydrogen Village proposal on Tuesday, 28 February in Ellesmere Port Civic Hall.

    This is an opportunity for residents in the Whitby area to have their say about the proposals and hear from various experts with a range of viewpoints.

    The event is being chaired by Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council.

    The experts attending the event include:

    Professor Gordon E. Andrews, Professor of Combustion Engineering, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds

    Professor Andrews is an independent expert on hydrogen safety and low Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) burner design for domestic and industrial applications. He has 52 years of experience in hydrogen combustion with 600+ total publications including 270 publications on explosion safety and low NOx burner design. He was the technical lead of an industrial team led by Clean Burner Systems (CBS) developing three hydrogen fires under the BEIS Hy4Heat programme. Currently he is the technical lead on a BEIS project with CBS to decarbonise the Whisky distillery industry using a hydrogen/biowaste gasification technique. Professor Andrews was a member of the British Standards expert panel that wrote PAS4444 which is the hydrogen central heating boiler and fires safety testing protocol, that has to be complied with to get the ‘hydrogen ready’ approval, which requires hydrogen appliances meeting the same NOx standard as NG appliances.

    Tom Baxter, Chemical Engineering Consultant

    Tom Baxter is a Chemical Engineer with 40 years working in the oil and gas industry. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and a founding member of The Hydrogen Science Coalition. He is a retired Senior Fellow in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Aberdeen where he established a number of courses including Process Safety. Since 2003 he has been visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Strathclyde. He is currently a Chemical Engineering consultant providing heat, power and greenhouse gas reduction expertise.

    Dr Angie Needle, Director of Strategy at Cadent

    Dr Angie Needle is Cadent’s Director of Strategy, the Vice President of Hydrogen UK, and Fellow of the Energy Institute. In her current role for Cadent Angie is responsible for driving the UK’s largest gas distribution network towards a net zero future, and spearheading all things hydrogen. Prior to joining Cadent in 2019, Angie held several senior roles at Centrica and Anglian Water, developing energy and customer services propositions and supporting both organisations on their moves towards cleaner energy, reduced carbon emissions and more sustainable business models.

    David Cebon, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge, England

    David Cebon is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Cambridge University and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight and leads Cambridge University Engineering Department’s Transport Research Group and the Department’s research theme ‘Energy, Transport and Urban Infrastructure’. Professor Cebon’s research covers the mechanical, civil, and materials aspects of road transport engineering. He has authored or co-authored more than 150 peer reviewed papers on the dynamics, safety, and environmental performance of heavy goods vehicles. He has a strong current focus on energy vectors.

    Mark Neller, Director at Arup

    Mark is Arup’s energy leader for the UKIMEA region, overseeing a number of growing industries and sectors whilst supporting a diverse range of clients.

    Mark oversees a diverse portfolio of service offerings for clients across the energy system, including electric vehicles, offshore wind, hydrogen and low carbon building energy solutions. He has more than twenty years’ experience within the energy sector and has a background in engineering.

    Mark been instrumental in developing Arup’s presence in the hydrogen market, supporting clients through this evolving sector within the UK.

    Tom Collins, Product Owner Hydrogen UK

    Tom Collins has spent over 15 years working in Research & Development on various new technologies to reduce carbon emissions from heating, including heat pump hybrid systems and district heating. He was also Bosch’s UK expert on building and heating system modelling. Since 2017, Tom has led Bosch’s team of engineers developing 100% hydrogen-ready boilers.

    Michael Liebreich, Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates

    Michael Liebreich is Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates, through which he provides advisory services and speaks on clean energy and transportation, smart infrastructure, technology, climate finance and sustainable development. In early 2019, Michael joined Sustainable Development Capital LLP (SDCL) as a Senior Advisor and in September 2020, he became an official Advisor to the UK’s Board of Trade. Michael is a member of the Strategic Committee for the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions (Solar Impulse Foundation), a member of the selection committee for the Bloomberg New Energy Pioneers, a programme he created in 2008 and chaired until 2014 and recently became a member of the High-Level Observer Group for the Hydrogen Council and the UK Green Growth Fund. In April 2021 Michael became a member of World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Climate & Energy Advisory Council.

    Andrew Lewis, Chief Executive of Cheshire West and Chester Council will also be on the panel.


    6pm – 6.05pm Welcome and Introductions Chair

    6.05pm – 6.10pm Background to the Taskforce Chair

    6.10pm – 6.20pm Overview of the session Chair

    6.20pm – 7pm Individual Public Speakers (10 slots) Public speakers

    7pm – 7.10pm Comfort Break

    7.10pm – 8.15pm Panel Discussion / Q&A Expert speakers

    8.15pm – 8.25pm Taskforce discussion/reflection period Chair

    8.25pm – 8.30pm Conclusions Chair

    How to ask a question and register for the event

    Online registrations for the event are now closed as the venue is at capacity.

    We will aim to get through as many questions submitted by residents as we can on the evening.

  • Five ways to put yourself first on Blue Monday and beyond

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    The third Monday in January is often billed as the most depressing day of the year, with Christmas festivities long-forgotten and the shine already wearing off New Year’s resolutions.

    Rather than making life more of a struggle, there are five ways to lift your mood and improve your wellbeing, without having to make dramatic changes to your lifestyle.

    Cheshire West and Chester Council and its partners in the borough, including Brio Leisure, Active Cheshire, have teamed up to share information and advice about the five ways to wellbeing with residents and help people through the winter.

    The five ways to wellbeing are:

    • Connect – with people around you, including friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. Good relationships give you a sense of belonging and self-worth, as well as providing emotional support.
    • Be active – whether it is going for run or walk, gardening, playing a game or dancing around the kitchen, being active can raise your self-esteem, help you to set goals you can achieve and cause chemical changes in your brain that can positively change your mood.
    • Take notice – savour the moment and make the effort to be more aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and understand yourself better.
    • Learn – try something new or rediscover an old interest, which will help boost your self-confidence, give you a sense of purpose and help you connect with others.
    • Give – do something nice for someone else, volunteer or say thank you. Acts of giving and kindness can create a sense of reward, give you a feeling of purpose and self-worth and help you connect with others.

    Cllr Louise Gittins, the Council’s Leader and Cabinet Member for Poverty and Wellbeing, said: "It's traditional to make New Year's resolutions about losing weight or dropping a bad habit, but if that feels like it's adding pressure on yourself at a time when there are already a lot of worries, why not look to do something much more positive for yourself.

    "The best thing about the five ways to wellbeing is that you can take the theme and make it fit your life. It gives you the chance to put your wellbeing first without adding to your stress.

    "Whether you decide to learn how to cook a new tea, join a guided walk to be active and connect or give some of your time to volunteer, you can easily find your own five ways to wellbeing."

    The five ways to wellbeing have been adopted by the NHS and mental health charity Mind following evidence that the steps improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.

    During the next few weeks the Council and its partners will be sharing opportunities for residents to connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give.

    For more information visit:

    Live Well: Five ways to wellbeing

    Or follow the Council on Twitter or on Facebook.

  • Information sessions about new public open space at Rose Meadow, Northwich

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    Cheshire West and Chester Council has arranged two information sessions for residents wanting to know more, and give views, on new open space areas to be included in the Rose Meadow residential development in Northwich.

    The development is currently being built at Artisan Way, to the east of London Road, and includes plans for a significant area of public open space or parkland.

    The area to be landscaped will provide opportunities for public access and recreation, as well as new areas for nature and wildlife.

    The Council has prepared some designs and proposed plans for how this area is to be landscaped, in conjunction with the developer at the site, and would like to share these with local residents who might want more detailed information or wish to comment.

    Two public information sessions have been arranged at Northwich Memorial Court during January. Council officers will show the details of the proposals for the area of public open space and answer any questions from those attending. The dates for the sessions are as follows:

    • Wednesday 18 January, 5pm to 8pm
    • Saturday 28 January, 9am to 12 noon

    "The Council's Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Climate Emergency, Councillor Matt Bryan, said: Both sessions will take place in the Foyer Bar at Memorial Court and residents can drop-in at any time.

    "Visual presentations will be repeated over the course of both sessions, so that anyone attending doesn't need to be present for the full duration of the sessions. There is no requirement for booking and pay and display parking is available at the Memorial Court venue.

    "We hope as many people as possible are able to come along to comment on the plans to help shape this wonderful new outdoor space."

    Anyone who is not able to attend but would like further information please email:

  • Council receives funding to boost active travel

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    Cheshire West and Chester Council has been awarded just over £128,000 to enable and encourage more people to walk, wheel and cycle by Active Travel England.

    The grant from the Active Travel Capability Fund is part of a national £32.9million investment to help accelerate walking and cycling schemes across the country, to tackle the climate emergency and make roads safer for everyone.

    The Council was successful in applying for this funding which has been allocated to:

    • Develop the Council's Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan – further scheme planning, design and consultation
    • Assess emergency active travel measures
    • Investigate cycle and e-cycle hire opportunities
    • Train Council staff and members on active travel guidance and standards to support highway schemes and developments

    The Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said:

    "We're delighted to receive this grant, it will help fund our long-term ambitions to encourage more journeys to be made in a more sustainable way. We want to expand our walking and cycling network across the borough, linking with public transport services. This funding will help us to develop future plans and continue to promote active travel events and schemes."

    The grant supports the Council's Climate Emergency response plan, and the delivery of its Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Low Emission Strategy, Local Transport Plan and accompanying Cycling Strategy.

  • Cheshire West and Chester air quality website

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    A new website launches today giving access to live air quality data from across the borough and from local authorities across the country.

    A key element of Cheshire West and Chester Council's Low Emission Strategy (LES) included a commitment to improve the standard of air quality data provided to residents and to introduce a mobile-based platform to give residents easy and convenient access to the data.

    From 9 January 2023, the website can be accessed:

    Cheshire West and Chester air quality website

    The website provides residents with improved access to near real-time data from the Council's monitoring stations. The data also feeds through to the UK Air Quality website which hosts live air quality data from local authorities across the country:

    UK Air Quality

    Gases being monitored vary by location and by monitor type. Borough wide, nitrogen dioxide is monitored using diffusion tubes. There are three traffic-related Air Quality Management Areas, in Frodsham, Ellesmere Port and Chester respectively, all with a focus on nitrogen dioxide.

    There is also an industrial emissions Air Quality Management Area, located in Thornton-le-Moors with the focus on sulphur dioxide. The Council also monitors particulate matter (PM10) emissions from both industrial and transport sources to ensure compliance with the national standards.

    Councillor Karen Shore, Cabinet Member for Environment, Communities and Strategic Transport said:

    "The new website allows the air quality data to be easily checked at all times including historic data. The improved functionality allows different parameters to be selected based on location, timeframe and pollutants and the data can be exported if needed.

    "The new website is being launched at the same time we are planning to revoke the Air Quality Management Area in Ellesmere Port that was declared in May 2005 for transport related levels of nitrogen dioxide.

    "Over the past five years, monitoring has demonstrated a trend of reducing levels. The levels now comply with the national standard and are likely to continue to improve which will allow us to revoke the order. This reduction in levels is the result of the Air Quality Action Plan vehicle queue reduction measures combined with improved vehicle emission standards."

  • Hop on board... £2 single bus fares now available in the borough

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    Residents and visitors in Cheshire West and Chester can now save money and "Get Around for £2", following the launch of a Government scheme to cap fares for single bus journeys.

    From 1 January to 31 March 2023, over 130 bus operators will charge no more than £2 for their single tickets across over 4,600 routes nationally, helping families, commuters and other passengers save money.

    The scheme hopes to give bus travel a boost in the borough, encouraging more people to discover how easy and stress-free travelling by bus is.

    Cheshire West and Chester Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said:

    "The initiative encourages people to get back on the bus to help the industry continue its recovery from the pandemic. It will also reduce CO2 emissions and tackle congestion by taking an estimated two million cars off the road nationally.

    "If you've never used buses before, why not give it a go and see if bus travel could work for you - this is the ideal opportunity to hop on board. Buses are a key part of our vision for clean, efficient and modern transport network in the borough, that is affordable for everyone.

    "This is a great way to start the new year and we will continue to work with our bus operators, through our Enhanced Partnership, to ensure passengers can access reliable and affordable bus services once the scheme ends in March."

    The scheme is on the Government's Help for Households website, as the new cap can deliver real savings for those most affected by the rising cost of living.

    Bus operators not taking part in the scheme in Cheshire West and Chester include: Aintree Coachline on routes 40, 41 and 272 and M&H Coaches on their route X1.

    A full list of operators taking part is available:

    GOV.UK: £2 bus far cap

    Councillor Shore added:

    "Don't forget, visitors to Chester city centre are able to use our excellent Park & Ride service, although it's not part of this scheme, the fare is just £2 for a return journey, so you can save money to travel quick and easy into the City"

  • Council shows significant support to community projects through Cheshire West Crowd

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    More than £425,000 has been pledged by Cheshire West and Chester Council to local projects as part of the autumn 2022 round on the Cheshire West Crowd.

    This crowdfunding initiative, which is being run by the Council in partnership with Spacehive, provides the opportunity for everyone to put forward community-led projects and attract funding so the borough can become more vibrant, resilient and connected.

    After just two funding rounds, the Cheshire West Crowd had already seen more than £650,000 raised for local projects, with almost £300,000 in pledges by the Council alongside over 2,000 other backers.

    The Council has now pledged a further six-figure sum to community projects as part of the biggest funding round yet.

    The pledges made by the Council include:

    • more than £16,000 to help Chester Deaf Centre install a new kitchen
    • nearly £9,000 for Soul Kitchen to purchase a van to deliver food to those in need
    • £16,000 towards a new skate park in Northwich
    • over £7,000 for a safer footpath route to Tilston School
    • around £5,000 towards the Boat Shed Arts Club
    • much more.

    Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council and Champion for the Cheshire West Crowd, said:

    "This initiative continues to go from strength to strength and we're really pleased to have pledged such a significant amount of money towards projects.

    "We're aware many community projects face challenges with the cost of living so this funding will be a real boost to them.

    "With our pledges, it's fantastic to see that a number of the projects have reached their crowdfunding targets and will now get ready to deliver their support.

    "The great thing about the Cheshire West Crowd is that it provides an opportunity for all the community to get involved and support local projects.

    "I'd encourage everyone to take a look at the Cheshire West Crowd and see which projects you might be able to support in your area.

    "No matter how much you're able to give, it'll make a real difference to them and the invaluable support they offer."

    Visit the Cheshire West Crowd website to view all the projects

    46 projects and counting are now running crowdfunding campaigns as part of the current round, calling on the local community to support their ideas.

    Whether you're a business, donor, resident or anyone else, you can also get involved with the Cheshire West Crowd and donate to local projects close to your heart.

    All projects will need to reach their crowdfunding targets on the Cheshire West Crowd by Tuesday 28 February 2023.

    Visit the Cheshire West Crowd website to view all the projects

    All figures quoted were accurate at the time of writing and might fluctuate slightly.

  • World Book Day fancy dress swaps to be held in borough libraries

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    Cheshire West and Chester libraries have come up with a new idea to help save money and the environment in good time for World Book Day in March, fancy dress swap events.

    Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, Councillor Louise Gittins said:

    "Seeing primary schoolchildren in book-related fancy dress costumes every World Book Day has become a common sight in March but, with ever-mounting financial and environmental pressures limiting new purchases makes more sense than ever.

    "For the first time, many of our libraries will be accepting donations of fancy dress at the start of the year and hosting clothes swaps before World Book Day itself. What better way to share the fun, so you can play your part to save money and the climate emergency."

    Anyone who donates a children's fancy dress costume will be offered a token which can be redeemed for another costume on either Saturday 11 or Saturday 18 February, from 10am to 12.30pm.

    If the donor does not want a replacement costume, then it will be donated to anyone who turns up on either Saturday who does not have an outfit to swap.

    All donated clothes must be clean, in good condition and suitable for primary school-aged children. Any items which are not taken by the end of the last swap session will be either donated to charity or sent for recycling.

    Libraries cannot guarantee that a suitable costume will be available for every person on the day.

    Participating libraries are Blacon, Ellesmere Port, Frodsham, Great Boughton, Helsby, Hope Farm, Lache, Little Sutton, Neston, Sandiway, Tattenhall and Winsford.

    Also on the two Saturdays, Blacon and Ellesmere Port libraries will be hosting "Pop-up Patch Challenge" volunteers who will be there with their sewing kits to show visitors the basics so that they can have a go themselves. The Patchers also welcome anyone who can already sew to bring their mending and join them.

    For World Book Day itself, libraries will be exchanging the £1 book tokens that every school child will receive, for the special World Book Day books on Saturday 4 March from opening time until 12.30pm. Opening hours may vary slightly between branches.

  • National praise for borough’s work on food and climate emergency

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    Cheshire West and Chester Council has received national recognition for its work to unlock a food revolution and tackle the climate emergency.

    The Council has been listed as one of 21 top performing councils out of nearly 200 analysed by Sustain, a national alliance for better food and farming.

    Sustain’s report ‘Every Mouthful Counts’, looks at how well councils in the UK are performing on issues of food and tackling climate change.

    The borough has also joined the Sustainable Food Places Network following a successful application by Cheshire West Voluntary Action (CWVA) supported by the Council’s Public Health team.

    Cllr Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “Tackling the climate emergency has long been a major priority of the Council.

    “We’ve been working with partners across the borough to address many of the issues leading to this emergency, with a sustainable and healthy food system high on the list.

    “We want everyone to be able to eat healthily every day and we want farming and food production to have a positive impact on the climate and biodiversity. This can in turn help our local economy to thrive.

    “It’s great to have our work recognised in the report by Sustain, and even better that our partnership’s application to become a Sustainable Food Place has been successful, opening up even more opportunities to make a real difference.”

    CWVA leads the Food Strategy for west Cheshire and the West Cheshire Food Partnership, bringing organisations together to help make sure healthy food is available for everyone.

    Stephanie Ellis, CWVA’s Food Strategy Lead, said: “We were really keen to become a Sustainable Food Place in recognition of the work we have done so far and to support us to achieve more.

    “We have been working closely with the Council and other partners over many years to put together a coordinated approach to food support, with everyone working together towards the same goal.

    “Through the links we have created in our communities, we have been able to map out all the food support available across west Cheshire on our live, interactive map on the Welcome Network website.

    “This is even more important with the current cost of living challenges and we’ve been working with the Council and other partners on this to make sure people can access the support they need this winter and beyond.”

    Partners from across the borough have been working together to achieve the Sustainable Food Place accreditation, and will continue to do so as the borough works towards its bronze accreditation. As well as CWVA and the Council, partners include: the Mersey Forest, The Welcome Network, Cheshire Waste Recycling, University of Chester, Chester Zoo, Tatton Group, The Sustainability Forum and Sustainable Cheshire.

    For more information about Sustainable Food Places visit:

    For more information about the Sustain report visit: and search for ‘Every Mouthful Counts’.

    You can access the live, interactive map showing the food support available at:

    For more information about cost of living support, visit: