• Fun for all the family this half term

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    If you’re looking for something to do this February half term with the family, then take a look at the Council’s web page packed full of low-cost or free events for everyone to enjoy.

    Events and activities are happening daily throughout the week and there's plenty of choice of things to do - from interactive performances, football camp, bird trails, pool parties and much more.

    School holiday activities | Cheshire West and Chester Council

    Information for activities and events have been provided by our partners. Therefore, we advise that you contact the event organiser for the most up to date information.

  • Welcoming Spaces

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    Welcoming Spaces continue to be available to all residents of Cheshire West.

    Expect a warm welcome when visiting one of many Welcoming Spaces across the borough. They offer a safe space where people can connect with others in their community and make new friends.

    The network of Welcoming Spaces includes Council libraries, churches, community centres and more.

    It’s important that during the colder months, everyone has a warm place to go, particularly if you’re struggling with the rising cost of energy bills.

    Welcoming Spaces are for everyone. They are also there for people who may be feeling alone or isolated, and who fancy a change of scenery from their own home. It’s a great opportunity to meet others in your community for a nice friendly chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

    Find your nearest Welcoming Space

    Mindful Mondays – spend time with animals and have a cuppa!

    If you love to be around animals, why not drop by Higher Farm, Byley on a Monday from 2.30pm until 4pm. There will be the opportunity to learn some mindfulness exercises or just chill around the animals. Then it’s off to the café for a cuppa.
    This activity is free of charge.

    Location: Higher Farm Café, Higher Farm, Byley, Middlewich CW10 9LN

    For enquiries: contact lisa@higherfarmwellbeing.uk Tel: 07879 394390

  • Benefits calculator

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    Are you missing out on benefits that you are entitled to? Try out the Council’s benefits calculator which can tell you if you’re potentially entitled to claim extra money. There are more than 80 different welfare benefits available to support people in different circumstances and situations.

    Before using the calculator, you’ll need accurate information about your:

    • savings
    • income, including your partner’s (from payslips, for example)
    • existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you)
    • outgoings (such as rent, mortgage, childcare payments)
    • Council Tax bill.

    By answering a few simple questions, you will quickly find out if you’re eligible for any benefits. Your answers are provided anonymously.

    The calculator also provides useful information in relation to your answers e.g. if you say you’re struggling to pay your energy bills, you will be asked who your supplier is. The calculator will then provide you with information relevant to that supplier so that you’re able to consider social tariffs that are available. Social tariffs are designed to help low-income households pay for their energy bills.

    Benefits calculator

  • Latest news on the government’s Household Support Fund

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    The government’s Household Support Fund is there to support households in the most need, especially with energy costs, food, water bills and other related essential items.

    The current round of funding is open until 31 March 2025 and is available to a broad range of low-income households across the borough, including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people.

    Those eligible for support as pensioners and carers will be contacted directly by letter to advise how to claim the support with all letters now issued. If you do not fall into one of these categories and haven’t already received support through the Household Support Fund since October 2024, we are now accepting further applications for remaining funding from our discretionary scheme.

    The discretionary scheme is available for a payment of £100 per household but is only open to households which have an active claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction. Please read our website for more information on how to apply and the information you will need.

    Additional support and advice is available for anyone who is struggling to pay their bills, requires debt advice or who’s health has been affected by the rising cost of living.

  • Share your views on the Council’s customer service

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    Everyone at some point is likely to need to get in touch with the Council, whether that’s to report an issue, ask for help, pay for something such as Council Tax or apply for something such as planning permission, benefits or licences.

    To find out what people’s experiences have been like when interacting with the Council whether that’s online, by telephone or face to face we have launched an online survey. The survey is also aimed at those people who haven’t yet been in contact with the Council but have a view of what they’d expect from a good customer experience.

    Feedback from the survey will be used to develop and deliver a new customer vision and strategy, that meets the needs of all residents, communities, businesses and people that access our services, and puts the customer at the heart of everything the Council does.

    Changes to the customer offer have already begun but it’s vital to continue to improve by listening to those people who live, work and study in the borough.

    The Council wants each and every customer of Cheshire West to have a positive experience when interacting with the Council whatever that person’s reason for making contact.

    The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and is open for feedback until Friday, 28 February.

    If you are a resident of the borough and have friends and family who are, please share and complete the survey.

    For anyone who is unable to complete the online survey, paper copies are available in libraries and Resident Assistance Points.

    Find your nearest library

    Location of your nearest Resident Assistance Point

  • Support for new parents

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    Child Benefit

    Did you know you can claim your Child Benefit online or via the HMRC app? More than one million parents have claimed in this way since the new digital service was launched earlier this year.

    Child Benefit is worth £1,331 a year for the first child and £881 a year for each additional child. It can be claimed just 48 hours after registering a baby’s birth and parents typically receive their first payment within three working days. Claims can be backdated by up to 12 weeks, so the sooner families claim, the better. Child Benefit is typically paid every four weeks.

    Downloading the free HMRC app makes managing claims even easier too. Families can use the app to track payments and update their details on the go – from changing their address or bank details, to seeing when their next payment is landing.

    To make a claim online, visit: Child Benefit: Make a claim - GOV.UK or via the HMRC app, visit: Download the HMRC app - GOV.UK

    Healthy Start supports families in need

    If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4 you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

    If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. Your benefit will be added onto your card every four weeks.

    You can use your card to buy:

    • plain liquid cow’s milk
    • fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables
    • fresh, dried, and tinned pulses
    • infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

    You can also use your card to collect:

    • Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old

    To find out about applying for Healthy Start, visit: Applying for Healthy Start – Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

    or how you can use Healthy Start, visit Using Healthy Start – Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

  • It's okay not to be okay during the festive season. Help and support is available

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    Christmas and New Year can be a joyful exciting time. However, it can also be difficult, straining us mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.

    It's okay not to be okay during the festive season and there are many services that can offer free help and support. All the services below can be contacted free of charge.

    If you or someone you know is in need of help for a mental health crisis or emergency, you can go to NHS 111 online or call 111 and select the mental health option.

    Café 71

    A safe space for anyone age 18+ experiencing a self-defined crisis / feeing distressed in Cheshire West and Chester.

    Open 10am - 10pm, every day. Anyone can self-refer by turning up on the day at 71 - 77 St Ann Street, Chester CH1 2NR.

    24/7 service for any struggling to cope.

    Call 116 123 for free.

    24/7 suicide prevention helpline for persons under the age of 35, or anyone concerned about a young person.

    Call 0800 068 4141

    Text SHOUT to 85258
    24/7 text messaging service providing mental health support.

    Suicide prevention helpline, open from 5pm - midnight every day on 0800 58 58 58.
    Contact through WhatsApp and Live Chat are also available.

    Bereavement support at
    0808 808 1677
    Open Mon, Weds,Thurs and Fri
    9.30am - 5pm, and Tuesday 1pm - 8pm.

    24/7 helpline for anyone affected by gambling harms.
    Call 0808 8020 133, WhatsApp on 0208 3031 8881 or visit the website for Live Chat.
    The National Domestic Abuse Helpline

    24/7 support at
    0808 2000 247 for anyone who is or knows someone experiencing domestic abuse.
  • West Cheshire Credit Union

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    Are you looking to get on track with your finances in 2025? With the cost-of-living crisis in full effect, now more than ever it is important to have a little something to fall back on. We encourage savings of £1 a week to help with an unexpected bill that may occur or to start saving little and often.

    The Peoples’ Community Bank

    Did you know saving with your credit union helps your community? The more money saved with the credit union means that we can help more people who may need to borrow money to get them through difficult times. All money saved with the credit union is protected and you have access to your money at any time.

    What is a credit union?

    A credit union is a financial co-operative which provides savings, loans and a range of services to its members. A credit union is owned and controlled by the members. Credit unions are not-for-profit organisations, and any surplus generated at the financial year end is put back into the running costs of the credit union or paid as a dividend to its members. As we are not owned by external shareholders the emphasis is always on providing the best service to our members and not maximising profits. The credit union is accessible to those within our common bond. A common bond is the area each credit union serves and their criteria. West Cheshire Credit Union’s common bond is for those who live, work or study within Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Flintshire. If you fall within this, you can apply and become a member.

    Credit union myths and facts

    There are many ‘myths’ surrounding credit unions, here are some of the examples and correct facts:

    • Credit Unions are only accessible for those claiming benefits – this is incorrect, credit unions are for everyone of all walks of life.

    • We are regulated and a safe secure way to save and borrow.

    • Owned by members, and members are encouraged to give feedback.

    • Directors are all volunteers, and do not take any renumeration.

    • Savings stay within the local community and is managed to provide accessibility to affordable loans.

    We have a range of saving products available these are:

    • Saver Account – our standard account
    • Junior Savers Account – pays a competitive 5% interest
    • Payroll Scheme – saving direct from your salary

    If you are interested in saving with us, please get in touch, you can become a member of West Cheshire Credit Union by completing our online form or alternatively you can call into one of our branches and speak to someone face to face.


    Head Office – 12-16 Brookdale Place, Chester, CH1 3DY (opposite the bus station).

    Ellesmere Port - The Portal, Wellington Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BA. (Thursdays only).

  • Christmas Holiday Activities and Food Programme

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    Bookings are now open for the Christmas Holiday Activities and Food Programme

    Get ready for festive fun with 34 FREE activity clubs across the borough.

    As Christmas approaches, so does the excitement for the return of the Christmas Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) funded by the Department for Education. Edsential have been working alongside Cheshire West and Chester Council to bring families together, with a whole host of festive activity clubs available that are designed to keep children and young people engaged and active this Christmas.

    With a network of 34 clubs spread across the borough, the HAF programme is set to deliver an unforgettable experience for young people aged 5 to 16 years old in receipt of benefit related free school meals. This year, new clubs will be joining the programme, offering even more festive activities. From winter sports like ice skating and indoor football to holiday-themed arts and crafts, baking and cooking classes, nature bushcraft, campfires, and day trips all with a Christmas twist—this season promises something for every taste and interest. For older children, additional activities such as holiday wellness sessions, hair, and beauty workshops will be available. And the best part? Free, nutritious meals will be served throughout the programme, ensuring that children stay energised and nourished during the Christmas break.

    The Summer HAF initiative saw over 4000 children and young people in Cheshire West and Chester benefitting from enriching activities and healthy meals provided. Those who took part were thrilled, with many parents praising the clubs’ ‘lovely staff’ and their ability to be ‘brilliant with kids.’ Parents were delighted that their children were entertained and well-fed during the holidays, and this Christmas is set to be even more special.

    Cllr Adam Langan, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People at Cheshire West and Chester, said: “What a wonderful programme we have for this Christmas. So many children from all backgrounds, from all across the borough will get to enjoy a magical time. The activities for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) will have an amazing impact on children and families. I hope the children enjoy the pantos, food hampers and all of the activities the teams have planned.”

    Heather Lewis, the Programme Manager for HAF, expressed her excitement, stating,

    “We have an exciting lineup of holiday activities and food clubs this Christmas for children and young people across Cheshire West. Our mission is to create a safe, festive, and inclusive environment where they can have fun, learn new skills, and form lasting friendships. It’s incredibly rewarding to be part of an initiative that helps young people thrive.”

    Edsential urges all parents and carers to check if their child is eligible for free school meals, as it could unlock a host of benefits. Eligible children not only gain access to the diverse programme of Christmas activities but also delicious and nutritious free lunches throughout the school term.

    Ready for your child to dive into a Christmas of excitement? Book your child's spot at one of the Christmas holiday activity clubs or check eligibility at: www.edsential.com/HAF.

  • Share your views on the borough’s plan to tackle the Climate Emergency

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    A draft of the Council's Climate Emergency Response Plan for 2025 - 2030 is available to view following an initial co-production exercise earlier this year.

    The Council is asking people in west Cheshire to review the plan and provide feedback on the outcomes and actions included, through an online consultation.

    You can have your say on all sections of the plan or choose to answer questions and provide feedback on one of the six key theme areas:

    • Business and industry
    • Transport
    • Housing
    • Energy
    • Land use and adaptation
    • Waste and the circular economy

    Paper copies of the consultation are available on request and the Council's Climate Change team are hosting a series of drop-in sessions, where you can talk to them about the proposed plan and provide feedback.

    View the consultation and have your say