Areas for action - Transport
Transport–reducing emissions from the transport systems across the borough
Transport influences our access to work, education, leisure activities and essential services. It shapes the places we live, impacts our health and wellbeing and is vital to our local economy.
Most forms of powered transport also contribute to carbon emissions, with transport being the second highest emitting sector, after industry, in west Cheshire. We want to have a conversation with our residents about what a fair, accessible and lower-carbon transport system would mean for them. This would help create easier, healthier ways of getting around the borough by 2045.
More information on this area for action can be found in the Plan, in the section titled “Transport”.
The outcomes we would see across the borough if we reduce emissions from transport by 2030:
Please note, these are borough-wide outcomes, and as well as requiring action from the Council, they will also depend on the action of a wide range of people and organisations, including residents.
O17: Develop and adopt Cheshire West and Chester Local Transport Plan 4 – an action plan for transforming transport to create a fair, sustainable future transport system
O18: Reduced dependency on private car trips.
O19: Increased uptake of walking, wheeling and cycling modes.
O20: Increased public transport investment.
O21: Improving the resilience of our transport networks to the adverse effects of floods and storms, for example by 'slowing the flow' of water through habitat creation or tree-planting.
O22: Maximise transition of petrol and diesel vehicles to zero-emission fuels (electric and hydrogen).
To achieve these outcomes for transport, the Council proposes to take the following actions:
A18: Develop the Cheshire West and Chester Local Transport Plan 4 and supporting implementation plan to set out a pathway to a zero-emission transport system in the borough, in partnership with the network operators, neighbouring authorities, local communities and key stakeholders.
A19: Expand the borough’s public electric vehicle charging infrastructure network, to improve opportunities for communities without access to off-street parking and create an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging network to suit all user needs.
A20: Continue to transition the Council’s fleet vehicles to zero emission technologies, such as electric vehicles, and explore options for sharing charging infrastructure with other public sector organisation in the borough.
A21: Develop and adopt a west Cheshire Design Code, ensuring that new developments and street retrofit schemes are built to encourage and enable sustainable forms of transport and are resilient to future climate impacts such as extreme weather events.
A22: Continue to deliver improved walking, wheeling and cycling networks across the borough, in line with the Council’s adopted Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.
A23: Continue to work with local bus operators to deliver our joint Bus Service Improvement Plan, which seeks to make buses the mode of choice through quicker, more reliable and more accessible services, improving connectivity for all.
A24: Support local businesses in accessing funding and advice to promote transition to zero-emission fleets to support sustainable commuting.
A25: Support local schools and educational establishments in promoting safe and sustainable travel choices for pupils, students and staff.
A26: Work with regional partners and forums to lobby for improved rail infrastructure and rail services for communities across the borough, including improved services, better facilities and greater multimodal connectivity.